Bake Sale 29 May


First, to sum up the bake sale, it was hot, hot, and hot! Hot because everything got sold off like hot cakes within the first hour and a half, hot because the hot chocolate burnt my tongue, hot because the morning sun was beating down on us and lastly hot because the girls selling them were just that.

Hot choc + marshmallows

The committee members were already at the cafeteria setting up at ten in the morning. Things went smoothly except for the little glitch when switching on the hot water flask- we decided to add hot chocolate with marshmallows to the menu at the very last minute.

Besides that, we also adjusted the menu slightly that day, instead of cheese tarts we had to replace them with fruit tartlets. Reason being, I was told, the whole of Malaysia ran out of cheese. -___- Erm, I was torn between laughing that Malaysia is now officially cheeseless or worrying over the fact that we promised the whole school cheese tarts and not being able to deliver it. But I chose the former and couldn't stop myself for a really long time. At eleven though, I was told even the fruit tartlets will not be happening that day. But it was alright, since the other baked goodies were so good, only one person enquired about the cheese tarts.


People started to stop by our stand by eleven, mostly curious about what we were doing. Girls in particular, were swooning over the cupcakes while guys were sneaking glances. In no time at all business has started. It wasn't overwhelming but things were moving. We had Linda distributing flyers at the lobby which drew quite a lot of people. We also had mobile trays of baked goods being sold around the school, and that was a success too.

Call 012-8197xxx to have cupcakes delivered to your doorstep! (Joking only =p)

One of the special services at the bake sale was allowing customers to decorate their own cupcakes at an extra RM1.00 per cupcake. They had a wide selection of toppings, and coloured icings to draw and write with. Unfortunately, there was quite a lot of confusion to that. Some didn't understand that customizing a cupcake would cost an extra buck and of course, wasn't happy being charged for it. Some others were having a blast plopping all sorts of pretty little edible thingies all over their cupcakes, it was nice to see them having fun.

Zi.. Dream job eh? Haha

Well, I had fun doodling over my cupcakes too, weee.

By eleven thirty, we were already half through our stock. The cupcakes, cookies and muffins were moving pretty fast. The only thing was the hot chocolate, being at a disadvantage because of how hot the weather was that day. We had people asking us why we were having the bake sale. Truth is, it was just a fun event to the end our year 2 and wanting to get the club together before we disperse. Profits were an added bonus although it really wasn't that much. I mean 4 mighty cute cupcakes for RM5? That was a real bargain.

Selling fast like hot (cup)cakes!

Around noon, we were down to our last packet of cookie, muffin and cupcake. And then, we had Mr Leong walking to the stand only to find nothing was left, which came as a blow to him. His attempt to sabotage cupcakes from a lecturer and a management personnel didn't too successfully with Zizi- protector-of-all-cupcakes. But his numerous valiant attempts got him one muffin and two cupcakes from nearby sympathetic committee members who were hoarding them for themselves.

Note to self: next time, do have some reserved as to avoid disappointment. The series of nothing-is-left didn't stop just there unfortunately. When he decided to get a cup of hot chocolate, we actually ran out of hot water. A few sad trickles from the water boiler marked his exit from the sale. Sorry Mr Leong!

Sold out!

In all, the sale went pretty fast, and before we knew it, we were running out- reason why we didn't manage to reserve the baked goods. The committee members were all enthusiastic and worked well together, thank you everybody. And for those who came to support us, consciously and unconsciously, thank you so much too. We had several people asking us when the next one will be. I really don't know. We are IAD students after all, not bakers, but it was fun while it lasted!

by Adelyn
Year 2

p/s: Sorry Keith.. Have to post this up. =p