Of Corrugated Board and Newspapers

Written by Ryan
Okay here goes the story: last Tuesday we had a workshop which we were required to bring loads of corrugated boards and newspapers.

We had absolutely no idea what to do since we're not informed, but the whole class cooperated anyway and Studio A605 was transformed into a recycle-center lookalike in the morning.

After the briefing only we knew we had to do something unusual from the materials we brought; not unusual actually, but just something that's not what we normally do. It's a nice break from the routine of architectural sketchmodels.

Since all the work are done on Tuesday, I might as well let the story unfold on the Presentation day, which is the next day.

Foong Wai among newspaper crafts.

The Emperor trying out his new clothes!

Final touch-ups for Group C.

Boon San passing the origami piece to Foong Wai. Er, are you in this group anyway? ;p

Lay Yan putting the Midas' touch on BeeWee's dress.

Here we go! Group C's artwork. They're supposed to choose a wall in the 6th floor and decorate it with an art installation.

George presenting. Looks like a wizard summoning bats out from the Pandora's Box!

Group C's group photo.

And here we have Group D's piece of work. They're required to choose a part of the A605 studio and decorate it with origami.

Group D!

Here we have Keith presenting for Group A. Their mission was to create a few furnitures that are not only usable, but can be folded flat and pinned to the wall, which must also have other functions. See the pinned board on the wall behind him.. That's the flat mode.

And here they have Kent to test the transformed mode!

Who could forgot how SuChing tested out this piece.. I thought she got shot by a sniper XD

Group A's happy people.

Then finally it's project runway time.. Group B have to come out with 6 pieces of paper fashion. So right after the presentation in the studio everyone went outside to find a good spot along the "runway".

1st model on the runway is Cizzy!

Followed by BeeWee.. with the origami piece still in her hand.

Then Leonard who acts cool throughout the runway despite the constant laughter..
Look at Kent and Orchid's expression!

Lily was next.. The one with the most modelling potential as dubbed by many!

Linda was 5th in line.. Spot the heart-shaped patterns on the skirt?

Finally the one who garnered the most cheers (due to that outrageous costume XD) is
Kim Yang.. See how happy Wai Wai is on the right?

And here we have Group B's group shot with the models!

That's all for the report on the Fold and Mould workshop!


p/s: Martin can't believe it's over...