MIECO Designer Choice Awards 2009

Here's a friendly reminder from MIECO about their Designer Choice Awards 2009.


The MDCA 2009 is ticking to its closing submission date and we are dropping
a friendly reminder so that you will not miss this opportunity.

We wish to inform our concern over the submission; based on past experience,
some of participants have missed the submission dateline due to late
delivery in either postal or courier services. So this year, in order to
assist the participants meeting with the dateline, we are encouraging the
participant to submit their company or individual submission form via fax at
03 2694 2933, preferably before 10 November 2008 to secure your entry and
notification of your participation from MDCA team. Please ensure the design
together with original entry form to reach our office on 19 November 2008 -
please note that late submission will not be considered.

For those who wish to enquire our courier pick up services - for submission
of not less than 15 entries, please liaise with us for the date and time for
the services. The dates for courier pick up are 11, 12 and 13 November 2008.

We hope the information above will encourage the competition spirit in you
and we are looking forward in receiving creative and innovative design.
Should you have any enquiry regarding the matter, please feel free to
contact Lina at 03 2694 6233 ext: 1865 or email at lt@mieco.com.my.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Lina Taib