Crazy Week: Jazz Up 2

by Raymond Low

College kicks start for another batch of newbie. Year 2 and 3 resume their life in college with a humongous project. A public art we need to design for given site. This project brings all IAD students from year 1, 2 & 3 together to make 5 different masterpieces that represent evolution. We have COTree, EMW³, D’spirit, Uunknown and Phalanx. Each of us is required to design a masterpiece that shows EVOLUTION.

Group Phalanx - the time traveler showcasing their banting design

Undergoing 3 weeks of intensive design and planning. The outcome of the each team is spectacular. Full submission of a life size model, sketch book that represent each group, a bunting to promote your work, and commercial break with a 5 minutes short movie. These submissions are coming in as a full package in this competition. Each team managed to pull out magnificent job during the final submission on 16th October 2009 (Friday) noon.

eye-popping banting presentation by Cotree

The ceremony starts at 2.30pm. Kick started with a welcoming speech by our beloved Ms.Atie. In a flash, we start watching the movie from different group. From group E to group A. after finishing the movie, we head to their site. And it started with Group Cotree and end with Group unknown. While the judges are doing their marking, the students have a little refreshment.


Winning group - EMW³ with their structure named Treehugger Monster

The winner design won by group A, EMW³. With the idea of, inner monster in our hearts. The design is mainly structured by using wire mesh and soft drink can. Their design gave people senses of space traveling as well shows a feeling of monster coming out from cage! In addition, their sketch book was brilliant as they contain it in a man made stone like box. They put in some dry ice to make the misty effect when the box is open. It’s one heck of idea to create scary mysterious feeling.

Movie clip: Treehugger Monster by EMW³
part 1 part 2 part 3

Dry ice and the misty box

D'spirit of Evo

Then the 1st runner up is D’spirit. Their design idea is a dragon, inspired by our college’s logo. Their design are mainly structured by using wire mesh, wires, soft drink can and bottles. Their design is dominating their location with their outstanding design and shows the team perfect workmanship. In their movie, favorite character “Mushu” from a cartoon movie Mulan, was used to deliver the fierceness of dragon in a more funny way!

Pokok Ranger by COtree
Movie clip: Pokok Ranger by COtree
*click me*

Last but not least, the 2nd runner up won by COtree. The design was inspired by roots from the tree that located at their site. The design is mainly structured with wire mesh and water bottles. Their work are more colourful then the rest as they used 3 different colour of plastic bag red, orange and yellow. To actually shows the evolutionary of mood. The structure is obviously shown and manages to create a shading device for that particular space. Come to their movie, their movie is the topic of the day cause of the special effects and outstanding storyline.

Unknown structure by Group Unknown

Movie clip: Unknown by Unknown
*click me*

With hands, we run - Group Phalanx

Movie clip: Anthology of Images by Phalanx
*click me*

For the other 2 groups, their design didn’t get chosen but their creativity and efficiency of their team are definitely undeniable. Phalanx designs make people having a lot of thinking towards their design just to understand their concept. It’s very interesting that they convey messages to the public indirectly so people will takes time enjoy their design. On the other hand, we have unknown. Unknown design is like a time portal structured by wire mesh. But the exact function is a hang out place, where people can sit and hang out.

Dang, this is.. hard...

Representative from Vesta-Inovas accepting a token of appreciation from Ms. Sin Ai, Head of School of Design

The Cra-zy week end with a beautiful closing ceremony, by giving prizes to the winners. As well giving away token of appreciation to the guest judge from Graphic Design School as well some sponsored outside the school. The event ends around 5++pm in a gently sunset of dawn.

Well done people! =)