October talks!

Hey, all! It's already November ; time sure flies doesn't it?
We'll here's a recap of some talks us IADians participated during the month of October

7th October 2012 : Nooks & Crannies Become Architecture

The talk was presented by Sir Peter Cook himself ; the founder of Archigram where he shares his unwavering passion for architecture ; his journey and also his take on technology and nature itself. 

Together he explains his conceptual attempt on his design while guiding us on how he had come to his design epiphany where he tries to tie the modernity of the world today with the order of the existing nature.
The power to decipher and extract the existing elements in his surrounding and adapting it to his conceptual idea is really admirable.

Peter Cook kept us entertained by embedding his personality into his speech ; he's quite a firecracker himself! A very lively and witty presenter if I must say so myself.

17th October 2012: Exclusive talk by Jamie Durie

Organized by Dulux ; one of the sponsors of the design TV series "The Apartment ; Style Edition" invited Jamie Durie; one of the judges of the TV series to give us fresh designers an insight on interior and landscape design

Jamie's design philosophy revolves mainly around how to bring the outdoors in as he merge the two elements into his interior designs.
The versatility of his design is eye opening as it creates a space of duality in terms of function and ambiance.
Not only that, he highlights to how we should lure users with 'magnets' where one does not give away the full story of the space; helps create the suspense in a transitional space.

Did I mention he's good with students?

Here's a picture of us IADians with him

KBU IADians with Jamie Durie!