Diploma Showcase of Aug 2018 was successfully launched on 15th August 2018
The showcase is a combination celebration of both Diploma Interactive Design & Diploma Interior Design, students who successfully completed their course, displaying their artwork and portfolio to attract public, professional & opportunities into the industry.
The Showcase was officiate by Tan Sri Teo Chiang Liang, FCUC Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Mak Chai, FCUC COO Ms Yeong Yin Cheng & FDBE Dean Ms Siow Yin Yoong.

The officiate & Lauching Moment.
The showcase was held in First City University College's Level 5 hallroom where public will also get the chance to walk-through the campus to get a sigh of our design faculty and student's artwork display through out the corridors in the building.

Tan Sri Teo Chiang Liang having a walk-through the Diploma Showcase and spending time listening to the student's presentation of their artwork.

There are a total of 39 Diploma Interior Design & 6 Diploma Interactive students proudly displaying their portfolio for 3 consecutive days from 9am to 5pm.

And Students taking the opportunity to capturing some candid pictures with their lecturers with their artwork

Once again, congratulations to the Elysian Diploma Showcase Aug 2018 graduates and all the best for your future!

Also, thanks to the media for publishing the very special event.