Hey guys, I know this is very overdue, but we all know what the life of a designer is like, rite? Never ending deadlines and submissions!
So last, last Friday on the 18th of April there was a talk organized by FIABCI Brown Paper Bag and hosted by KBU International College. Apart from Interior Design students from KBU, about 20 Interior Design students from Sunway College attended the talk.
As I was appointed official journalist to cover this event, I made my way pretty early to college to make sure I didn’t miss out on anything.. Hehe
After a short briefing by Ms Sin Ai, everyone set out to fulfill their responsibilities and duties for the event.. I thought I could get away from doing anything, and just hang around to experience the whole atmosphere, and you know, mingle around with the guests.. However, I was suddenly placed at the registration counter for the Year 3 students, together with Martin and Adelyn.
As I was sitting there waiting for the Year 3 students to arrive, all that was on my mind was “Aiyo, what am I going to write in the article later? What do I talk about?”. So yeah, through out the whole event the same questions arose in my mind. In the end, I thought, this is a blog for heaven’s sake, not an essay that would be graded! So yes, that’s why this is gonna be really informal, and basically from my point of view.. Hope it’s okay :)
After registering at the designated registration counters, everyone was given a bottle of mineral water and lunch in a brown paper bag. It was really nice to see them serving lunch in paper bags, as opposed to annoying styrofoam containers that are non-biodegradable. Ahah. The only mistake they made though, was serving oily fries in there!

Halfway through lunch, a McDonald’s truck pulls over in front of the main entrance, and a guy dressed up as a brown box and some promoters start handing out vouchers for free Sausage McMuffin burgers.. The promoters were clad in red tees as well, just like our club t-shirt. The funniest part was when Kristie was mistaken for one of the McD promoters! Ahaha. The other students started to think we were the ones providing the free burgers! Aiyo..

After lunch, the ushers and usherettes escorted the VIPs to LT1 on the seventh floor, where the talk was held.

Architect Laurent Lim gave a thorough review on Restoration, Refurbishment and Reconstruction of a Historical Building. He used the Galeri Diraja Sultan Abdul Aziz, a recent project of his as an example. Ar. Laurent Lim started off his talk with a song to touch people’s hearts; one that he claims was his inspiration when undertaking the aforementioned project.
After sharing a bit of his inspiration with us, he presented an introduction to the Galeri Diraja Sultan Abdul Aziz in Klang. That was followed by a history of the project, client and building. And just like some of us may already know, he stated that thorough research, historical understanding and comparative studies are an integral part of the design process that should never be overlooked or belittled.

After what seemed like a very longgg history lecture on the sultanate of Selangor, Ar. Laurent Lim explained the procedures taken to restore, refurbish and reconstruct a historical building, which I found to be quite useful. He wrapped up his talk, and was later presented with a token of appreciation by Ms Anis Laila, Head of the School of Design.

Although I thought the talk was a bit too lengthy (he had over 200 slides!), and would choose any one of Mr Leong’s lectures over this, it was nice seeing IAD students get together for events like this, and I’m certainly looking forward to more!
Written by Zuliana :)