Hello Bryce!

Ok, I thought it was time to update this blog, even though we have nothing much going on currently.

I was reading the Sunday Star as usual and I came across this article about Neil Diamond in the Variety section. Neil Diamond is an American singer, just in case you don't know, and made an appearance in this season's American Idol as a mentor recently.

The article is about his new album called Home Before Dark, and when I saw the album artwork, something familiar came across my mind.

Somehow I thought I've seen this somewhere, but I just couldn't recall it. After a few minutes, I got the answer...


The Google Sketchup fella called Bryce!

Yea I know this is lame, but at least the blog is updated, and it's something related to our course. =p

p/s: The album title is just to rhyme with "dark". Don't freak out if you really saw him there.