iAD Carnival in Conjunction with WID

So, this has probably been one of the biggest event we've held yet. A REAL LIFE CARNIVAL!!! A lot of sweat, blood and tears has been shed for this event and it was all worth it in the end. The event turned out to be one of the most fun and enjoyable ones we've had.

In conjunction with the World Interiors Day, students from all years gathered together to make this event an outstanding one!

Thank you all so much, to the Year 2s' for handling and controlling the event. All the Year 3s' for their guidance and the Year 1's for their help and of course! To the diploma students from all intakes for participating and for being a good sport throughout the event.

Thank you to the lecturers who approved of this event. Guided and advised us throughout it all.

We hope everyone had a marvelous time playing games and making new friends and also benefited from this event using their creativity in creating the booths from scratch.

Stay tuned for more as new minds would be taking over the club! How exciting!!