World Interior Day 2012.

World Interior Day (WID) is an annual event of KBU International College. It performs as a platform for the entire interior design students in school of design to get together.

Venue     : Multipurpose Hall, KBU International College
Date        : 1st June 2011, Friday
Time      : 9.00am – 5.00pm

Upon registration, students collect their pre-ordered KBU IAD club T-shirt and group placement was assigned

IAD students crowding at the front counter for registration and collection of their t-shirt.

Just look at the crowd!!

A fresh tone of turquoise on KBU IAD club t-shirts had edified the event.
10.00am, the event was officiated with speech by IAD club president and vice-president, Wong Kin Bing and Chiang Siew Leng respectively. Together, they had shared the joy and excitement relished by happening event throughout the year. The president also announced that the club managed to get a full support and sponsor from a furniture manufacturer, Artmatrix Sdn Bhd for this event. Thank you so much Artmtrix! (

Fully sponsored by Artmatrix!
World Interior Day ; an introductory by emcee Vicky.
Mr. President and Ms. Vice President at the
podium with their opening speech for the event.
10.30am, ice-breaking game, a presentation competition within divided groups was held. Students were sited into their respective groups according. A thorough brief was presented by IAD club event committee.

 Kay Chong heading and explain the game event.

Each group was given a topic, where they are to indicate a variety of presentation technique to sell their topics and present it on stage and the competition was judged by lecturer Ms. Chua Huwi Huwi, Mr. Leong and Mr. Dickie Ong.

It really was an event that tried to push the creative limits of the students as they’re only given a few options to promote it for instance by acting or singing it out or presenting it as humorous as possible in proper English or in Singlish.

Students: No way!!!!
Lucky draw? Nope, choosing topics to present for the game.
The students making use of what was given; sheet of mahjong paper, a pair of scissors
And a bottle of glue. What exactly CAN’T you do?.
This team was supposed to promote a red chair.

Two different kinds of red chairs. Can you see it?

So what are the verdicts, judges?

But as the clock strikes 12pm, our empty stomachs decided to have a performance of their own as well, an orchestral musical symphony. Lucky for us, Domino’s Pizza lunch was provided as a sponsorship by Artmatrix. So much YUM!!

Students munching away to the scrumptious Italian bread.
Don’t forget the lecturers too!
As our hearts filled with laughter and stomachs filled with so delicious food, after lunch, Young Designer Award 2012 by Nippon Paint was briefed to students by Nippon Paint event team. For more information about the competition, kindly visit their website at !

The students as they listen tentatively to the briefing.
I see a number of potential participants!
And of course, a little something to catch sleeping students; Q&A!
What’s Q&A without a little trinket of memory, no?
If you answer the question correctly, you’ll win this really handsome mascot here.

Such a charmer, not to mention a natural poser!

Next, prizes were given to the ice-breaking game winning team.
The World Interior Day @ KBU International College was enclosed by an Annual General Meeting, AGM where a new team of committee was elected.

3RD place winners ; to promote a yellow chair through beat boxing.

Runner ups ; who promoted a white bookshelf through acting
1st price winner! Promoted grey curtains through acting.
Congratulations to all!

And of course, a little token of appreciation to lecturers who had to judge our performance. 

Thank you lecturers!
And that marks the end of World Interior Day of 2012
The end of the 2011/2012’s committee‘s legacy that we the 2012/2013 committee has to carry forth in the upcoming years.

“We’ll work hard together,” says Chiang Siew Leng; President for the 2012/2013 committee and I’m sure we will in future! 

And a huge thank you shout out to Artmatrix for their sponsorship and making the event a successful one! THANK YOU ARTMATRIX!!

If you’re looking to know more about Artmatrix, go to